Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our Journey to Home School

    The decision to home school was not easy. I wanted to from the day she was born. I could not imagine sending my little one off to school nearly all day. I was told it would be a mistake, that I would regret it and that I wouldn't be able to do it. I wasn't qualified enough. She wouldn't be socialized enough. She needed to go to school. Our son came and I was told that there was no way I could home school with 2 children. They wouldn't get the attention they need with their work. I bought into the lies and sent her to Kindergarten. We both hated it. She liked doing the fun activities, but hated just about everything else. She was sick every day. Picking her up from school several times a week because she had gotten sick or being late for the bus nearly every morning because her stomach had gone into spasms got old quickly. I was told she would just have to adjust. It didn't feel right. Didn't God give her to me? I felt that God had called me to the teaching and training of my children and I was being ripped in two every time I put that little girl on the bus. Kaylee wasn't getting any better. Finally a doctor told me that it was anxiety and that if she didn't adjust on her own, she would need to be put medication to calm her nerves. What!?!?! She was 5. That was not an option. My husband decided to let me pull her from the public school system and teach her at home. 
    I ordered all of her books, signed up for some online lessons and we began our journey. There was so much for me to learn. I am still learning new things all the time. The first thing I learned was that the only mistake I had made so far was sending her to public school. I would never regret it. I would regret some of the choices I would make along the way, but home schooling wouldn't be one of them. I learned that I have the highest qualification I can get. God gifted those children into my care. He thought me qualified enough. My children have lots of family, they have friends, and they are always watching their parents interact with others, learning how to relate to others. If children are expected to learn how to socialize and relate to the rest of the world from children their own age, the future truly is bleak in terms of friendliness and compassion towards others. As for teaching with 2 children, would it not make sense that I could more effectively manage just a few than a teacher can a whole classroom? I feel I can manage my children better than anyone else. I know them better than anyone else. Home schooling has it's moments. First it was trying to figure out how to keep a little one occupied to get the work accomplished. This year I have started Kace with Kindergarten work while Kaylee is doing 2nd grade. I am learning a whole new way of doing everything.
    It's not easy. I have had people tell me to just put them in school. Comments like that make me feel like I can never talk to anyone about those struggles. Parenting in general is hard. Does that mean we should just give up? I love what I do and we all enjoy the time spent together everyday. I don't see my children hurting for our decision. I have made many adjustments to our curriculum and schedule along the way to make it work best for us. I will write more on that soon. Teaching my children has forced me to grow and change in wonderful ways. I think sometimes that I am learning more than they are, but I feel truly blessed to be able to share this journey with my children.

 Be Blessed


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